
status: draft
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GitHub ipfs/specs (inspect source, open issue)

UnixFS is a protocol-buffers-based format for describing files, directories and symlinks as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) in IPFS.

1. Nodes

A Node is the smallest unit present in a graph, and it comes from graph theory. In UnixFS, there is a 1-to-1 mapping between nodes and blocks. Therefore, they are used interchangeably in this document.

A node is addressed by a CID. In order to be able to read a node, its CID is required. A CID includes two important pieces of information:

  1. A multicodec, simply known as a codec.
  2. A multihash used to specify the hashing algorithm, the hash parameters and the hash digest.

Thus, the block must be retrieved; that is, the bytes which ,when hashed using the hash function specified in the multihash, gives us the same multihash value back.

In UnixFS, a node can be encoded using two different multicodecs, listed below. More details are provided in the following sections:

2. Raw Nodes

The simplest nodes use raw encoding and are implicitly a File. They can be recognized because their CIDs are encoded using the raw (0x55) codec:

3. dag-pb Nodes

More complex nodes use the dag-pb (0x70) encoding. These nodes require two steps of decoding. The first step is to decode the outer container of the block. This is encoded using the IPLD dag-pb specification, which can be summarized as follows:

message PBLink {
  // binary CID (with no multibase prefix) of the target object
  optional bytes Hash = 1;

  // UTF-8 string name
  optional string Name = 2;

  // cumulative size of target object
  optional uint64 Tsize = 3;

message PBNode {
  // refs to other objects
  repeated PBLink Links = 2;

  // opaque user data
  optional bytes Data = 1;

After decoding the node, we obtain a PBNode. This PBNode contains a field Data that contains the bytes that require the second decoding. These are also a protobuf message specified in the UnixFSV1 format:

message Data {
  enum DataType {
    Raw = 0;
    Directory = 1;
    File = 2;
    Metadata = 3;
    Symlink = 4;
    HAMTShard = 5;

  required DataType Type = 1;
  optional bytes Data = 2;
  optional uint64 filesize = 3;
  repeated uint64 blocksizes = 4;
  optional uint64 hashType = 5;
  optional uint64 fanout = 6;
  optional uint32 mode = 7; // opt-in, AKA UnixFS 1.5
  optional UnixTime mtime = 8; // opt-in, AKA UnixFS 1.5

message Metadata {
  optional string MimeType = 1;

message UnixTime {
  required int64 Seconds = 1;
  optional fixed32 FractionalNanoseconds = 2;

Summarizing, a dag-pb UnixFS node is an IPLD dag-pb protobuf, whose Data field is a UnixFSV1 Protobuf message. For clarity, the specification document may represent these nested Protobufs as one object. In this representation, it is implied that the PBNode.Data field is encoded in a protobuf.

3.1 Data Types

A dag-pb UnixFS node supports different types, which are defined in decode(PBNode.Data).Type. Every type is handled differently.

3.1.1 File type

A File is a container over an arbitrary sized amount of bytes. Files are either single block or multi-block. A multi-block file is a concatenation of multiple child files. decode(PBNode.Data).Data

An array of bytes that is the file content and is appended before the links. This must be taken into account when doing offset calculations; that is, the length of decode(PBNode.Data).Data defines the value of the zeroth element of the offset list when computing offsets. decode(PBNode.Data).Blocksize

This field is not directly present in the block, but rather a computable property of a dag-pb, which would be used in the parent node in decode(PBNode.Data).blocksizes. It is the sum of the length of decode(PBNode.Data).Data field plus the sum of all link's blocksizes. decode(PBNode.Data).filesize

If present, this field MUST be equal to the Blocksize computation above. Otherwise, this file is invalid. Path Resolution

A file terminates a UnixFS content path. Any attempt to resolve a path past a file MUST error.

3.1.2 Directory Type

A Directory, also known as folder, is a named collection of child Nodes:

  • Every link in PBNode.Links is an entry (child) of the directory, and PBNode.Links[].Name gives you the name of that child.
  • Duplicate names are not allowed. Therefore, two elements of PBNode.Link CANNOT have the same Name. If two identical names are present in a directory, the decoder MUST fail.

The minimum valid PBNode.Data field for a directory is as follows:

  "Type": "Directory"

The remaining relevant values are covered in Metadata. Path Resolution

Pop the left-most component of the path, and try to match it to the Name of a child under PBNode.Links. If you find a match, you can then remember the CID. You MUST continue the search. If you find another match, you MUST error since duplicate names are not allowed.

Assuming no errors were raised, you can continue to the path resolution on the remaining components and on the CID you popped.

3.1.4 HAMTDirectory

A HAMT Directory is a Hashed-Array-Mapped-Trie data structure representing a Directory. It is generally used to represent directories that cannot fit inside a single block. These are also known as "sharded directories:, since they allow you to split large directories into multiple blocks, known as "shards".

  • decode(PBNode.Data).hashType indicates the multihash function to use to digest the path components used for sharding. It MUST be murmur3-x64-64 (0x22).
  • decode(PBNode.Data).Data.Data is a bit field, which indicates whether or not links are part of this HAMT, or its leaves. The usage of this field is unknown, given that you can deduce the same information from the link names.
  • decode(PBNode.Data).Data.fanout MUST be a power of two. This encodes the number of hash permutations that will be used on each resolution step. The log base 2 of the fanout indicate how wide the bitmask will be on the hash at for that step. fanout MUST be between 8 and probably 65536. .

The field Name of an element of PBNode.Links for a HAMT starts with an uppercase hex-encoded prefix, which is log2(fanout) bits wide. Path Resolution

To resolve the path inside a HAMT:

  1. Take the current path component, then hash it using the multihash represented by the value of decode(PBNode.Data).hashType.
  2. Pop the log2(fanout) lowest bits from the path component hash digest, then hex encode (using 0-F) those bits using little endian. Find the link that starts with this hex encoded path.
  3. If the link Name is exactly as long as the hex encoded representation, follow the link and repeat step 2 with the child node and the remaining bit stack. The child node MUST be a HAMT directory, or else the directory is invalid. Otherwise, continue.
  4. Compare the remaining part of the last name you found. If it matches the original name you were trying to resolve, you have successfully resolved a path component. Everything past the hex encoded prefix is the name of that element, which is useful when listing children of this directory.

3.2 TSize (child DAG size hint)

Tsize is an optional field in PBNode.Links[] which represents the precomputed size of the specific child DAG. It provides a performance optimization: a hint about the total size of child DAG can be read without having to fetch any child nodes.

To compute the Tsize of a child DAG, sum the length of the dag-pb outside message binary length and the blocksizes of all nodes in the child DAG.

Examples of where Tsize is useful:

  • User interfaces, where total size of a DAG needs to be displayed immediately, without having to do the full DAG walk.
  • Smart download clients, downloading a file concurrently from two sources that have radically different speeds. It may be more efficient to parallelize and download bigger links from the fastest source, and smaller ones from the slower sources.

An implementation SHOULD NOT assume the TSize values are correct. The value is only a hint that provides performance optimization for better UX.

Following the Robustness Principle, implementation SHOULD be able to decode nodes where the Tsize field is wrong (not matching the sizes of sub-DAGs), or partially or completely missing.

When total data size is needed for important purposes such as accounting, billing, and cost estimation, the Tsize SHOULD NOT be used, and instead a full DAG walk SHOULD to be performed.

3.3 Metadata

UnixFS currently supports two optional metadata fields.

3.3.1 mode

The mode is for persisting the file permissions in numeric notation [spec].

  • If unspecified, this defaults to
    • 0755 for directories/HAMT shards
    • 0644 for all other types where applicable
  • The nine least significant bits represent ugo-rwx
  • The next three least significant bits represent setuid, setgid and the sticky bit
  • The remaining 20 bits are reserved for future use, and are subject to change. Spec implementations MUST handle bits they do not expect as follows:
    • For future-proofing, the (de)serialization layer must preserve the entire uint32 value during clone/copy operations, modifying only bit values that have a well defined meaning: clonedValue = ( modifiedBits & 07777 ) | ( originalValue & 0xFFFFF000 )
    • Implementations of this spec must proactively mask off bits without a defined meaning in the implemented version of the spec: interpretedValue = originalValue & 07777

3.3.2 mtime

A two-element structure ( Seconds, FractionalNanoseconds ) representing the modification time in seconds relative to the unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. The two fields are:

  1. Seconds ( always present, signed 64bit integer ): represents the amount of seconds after or before the epoch.
  2. FractionalNanoseconds ( optional, 32bit unsigned integer ): when specified, represents the fractional part of the mtime as the amount of nanoseconds. The valid range for this value are the integers [1, 999999999].

Implementations encoding or decoding wire-representations MUST observe the following:

  • An mtime structure with FractionalNanoseconds outside of the on-wire range [1, 999999999] is not valid. This includes a fractional value of 0. Implementations encountering such values should consider the entire enclosing metadata block malformed and abort the processing of the corresponding DAG.
  • The mtime structure is optional. Its absence implies unspecified rather than 0.
  • For ergonomic reasons, a surface API of an encoder MUST allow fractional 0 as input, while at the same time MUST ensure it is stripped from the final structure before encoding, satisfying the above constraints.

Implementations interpreting the mtime metadata in order to apply it within a non-IPFS target MUST observe the following:

  • If the target supports a distinction between unspecified and 0/1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, the distinction must be preserved within the target. For example, if no mtime structure is available, a web gateway must not render a Last-Modified: header.
  • If the target requires an mtime ( e.g. a FUSE interface ) and no mtime is supplied OR the supplied mtime falls outside of the targets accepted range:
    • When no mtime is specified or the resulting UnixTime is negative: implementations must assume 0/1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (note that such values are not merely academic: e.g. the OpenVMS epoch is 1858-11-17T00:00:00Z)
    • When the resulting UnixTime is larger than the targets range ( e.g. 32bit vs 64bit mismatch), implementations must assume the highest possible value in the targets range. In most cases, this would be 2038-01-19T03:14:07Z.

4. Paths

Paths begin with a <CID>/ or /ipfs/<CID>/, where <CID> is a [multibase] encoded CID. The CID encoding MUST NOT use a multibase alphabet that contains / (0x2f) unicode codepoints. However, CIDs may use a multibase encoding with a / in the alphabet if the encoded CID does not contain / once encoded.

Everything following the CID is a collection of path components (some bytes) separated by / (0x2F). UnixFS paths read from left to right, and are inspired by POSIX paths.

4.1 Escaping

The \ may be used to trigger an escape sequence. However, it is currently broken and inconsistent across implementations. Until we agree on a specification for this, you SHOULD NOT use any escape sequences and/or non-ASCII characters.

4.2 Relative Path Components

Relative path components MUST be resolved before trying to work on the path:

4.3 Restricted Names

The following names SHOULD NOT be used:

5. Appendix: Design Decision Rationale

5.1 mtime and mode Metadata Support in UnixFSv1.5

Metadata support in UnixFSv1.5 has been expanded to increase the number of possible use cases. These include rsync and filesystem-based package managers.

Several metadata systems were evaluated, as discussed in the following sections.

5.1.1 Separate Metadata Node

In this scheme, the existing Metadata message is expanded to include additional metadata types (mtime, mode, etc). It contains links to the actual file data, but never the file data itself.

This was ultimately rejected for a number of reasons:

  1. You would always need to retrieve an additional node to access file data, which limits the kind of optimizations that are possible. For example, many files are under the 256 KiB block size limit, so we tend to inline them into the describing UnixFS File node. This would not be possible with an intermediate Metadata node.
  2. The File node already contains some metadata (e.g. the file size), so metadata would be stored in multiple places. This complicates forwards compatibility with UnixFSv2, as mapping between metadata formats potentially requires multiple fetch operations.

5.1.2 Metadata in the Directory

Repeated Metadata messages are added to UnixFS Directory and HAMTShard nodes, the index of which indicates which entry they are to be applied to. Where entries are HAMTShards, an empty message is added.

One advantage of this method is that, if we expand stored metadata to include entry types and sizes, we can perform directory listings without needing to fetch further entry nodes (excepting HAMTShard nodes). However, without removing the storage of these datums elsewhere in the spec, we run the risk of having non-canonical data locations and perhaps conflicting data as we traverse through trees containing both UnixFS v1 and v1.5 nodes.

This was rejected for the following reasons:

  1. When creating a UnixFS node, there's no way to record metadata without wrapping it in a directory.
  2. If you access any UnixFS node directly by its CID, there is no way of recreating the metadata which limits flexibility.
  3. In order to list the contents of a directory including entry types and sizes, you have to fetch the root node of each entry, so the performance benefit of including some metadata in the containing directory is negligible in this use case.

5.1.3 Metadata in the File

This adds new fields to the UnixFS Data message to represent the various metadata fields.

It has the advantage of being simple to implement. Metadata is maintained whether the file is accessed directly via its CID or via an IPFS path that includes a containing directory. In addition, metadata is kept small enough that we can inline root UnixFS nodes into their CIDs so that we can end up fetching the same number of nodes if we decide to keep file data in a leaf node for deduplication reasons.

Downsides to this approach are:

  1. Two users adding the same file to IPFS at different times will have different CIDs due to the mtimes being different. If the content is stored in another node, its CID will be constant between the two users, but you can't navigate to it unless you have the parent node, which will be less available due to the proliferation of CIDs.
  2. Metadata is also impossible to remove without changing the CID, so metadata becomes part of the content.
  3. Performance may be impacted as well as if we don't inline UnixFS root nodes into CIDs, so additional fetches will be required to load a given UnixFS entry.

5.1.4 Side Trees

With this approach, we would maintain a separate data structure outside of the UnixFS tree to hold metadata.

This was rejected due to concerns about added complexity, recovery after system crashes while writing, and having to make extra requests to fetch metadata nodes when resolving CIDs from peers.

5.1.5 Side Database

This scheme would see metadata stored in an external database.

The downsides to this are that metadata would not be transferred from one node to another when syncing, as Bitswap is not aware of the database and in-tree metadata.

5.2 UnixTime Protobuf Datatype Rationale

5.2.1 Seconds

The integer portion of UnixTime is represented on the wire using a varint encoding. While this is inefficient for negative values, it avoids introducing zig-zag encoding. Values before the year 1970 are exceedingly rare, and it would be handy having such cases stand out, while ensuring that the "usual" positive values are easily readable. The varint representing the time of writing this text is 5 bytes long. It will remain so until October 26, 3058 (34,359,738,367).

5.2.2 FractionalNanoseconds

Fractional values are effectively a random number in the range 1 to 999,999,999. In most cases, such values will exceed 2^28 (268,435,456) nanoseconds. Therefore, the fractional part is represented as a 4-byte fixed32, as per Google's recommendation.

6. Appendix: Notes for Implementers

This section and included subsections are not authoritative.

6.1 Implementations

6.2 Simple Raw Example

In this example, we will build a Raw file with the string test as its content.

First, hash the data:

$ echo -n "test" | sha256sum
9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08  -

Add the CID prefix:


f this is the multibase prefix, we need it because we are working with a hex CID, this is omitted for binary CIDs
 01 the CID version, here one
   55 the codec, here we MUST use Raw because this is a Raw file
     12 the hashing function used, here sha256
       20 the digest length 32 bytes
         9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08 is the the digest we computed earlier

Done. Assuming we stored this block in some implementation of our choice, which makes it accessible to our client, we can try to decode it.

$ ipfs cat f015512209f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08

6.3 Offset List

The offset list isn't the only way to use blocksizes and reach a correct implementation, it is a simple canonical one, python pseudo code to compute it looks like this:

def offsetlist(node):
  unixfs = decodeDataField(node.Data)
  if len(node.Links) != len(unixfs.Blocksizes):
    raise "unmatched sister-lists" # error messages are implementation details

  cursor = len(unixfs.Data) if unixfs.Data else 0
  return [cursor] + [cursor := cursor + size for size in unixfs.Blocksizes[:-1]]

This will tell you which offset inside this node the children at the corresponding index starts to cover. (using [x,y) ranging)

A. References

Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. S. Bradner. IETF. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2119

B. Acknowledgments

We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals for their valuable contributions, ranging from minor suggestions to major insights, which have shaped and improved this specification.

David Dias (Protocol Labs) GitHub
Jeromy Johnson (Protocol Labs) GitHub
Alex Potsides (Interplanetary Shipyard) GitHub
Peter Rabbitson (Protocol Labs) GitHub
Hugo Valtier (Protocol Labs) GitHub
Marcin Rataj (Interplanetary Shipyard) GitHub